
  • Through experience, we have learned that Individual attention goes a long way toward building self-esteem. Even a shy child wants to feel special and be recognized....

  • One can readily see from watching a basketball game on television how clearly professional basketball has changed through the years. Some of those changes have trickled down to youth sports basketball leagues and schools. Many of those changes involve sportsmanship and the role it plays in the game....

  • Does your child hang back in the park? If so, he/she may be afraid someone will ask him to be part of a basketball pick-up game. If he does play, and quickly passes the ball rather than try for a shot, he  may not feel confident in his ability. Watching the game on T.V. with family is fine, but to children it feels very different when on the court with their peers. Basketball is not only a team sport, it is a social sport....

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