Our Programs


  • Super Tots for ages 3-4. Integrating skills with fun games and activities developed to promote coordination, balance, and the social skills of working in a group. Designed to prepare the children for the healthy benefits of sports. Limited enrollment for this very popular class.
  • Our Pee Wee Class for ages 5-6, teaches basic basketball skills tailored to this age group. Our lessons, philosophy and teaching methods are specifically designed to be child-sensitive. Children learn social skills of working in a group.

    As we do in all of our classes, we start with a shoot-around.  This becomes a great bonding experience with your child and the coaches. Then a jog to warm up those muscles. We’ll even spend a few minutes talking with them about sportsmanship and how to shake hands after a game.

    Quite often, they’ll watch a demonstration of a skill, such as dribbling and then practice it in a non-competitive game. Our goal is to show children how capable they are and to prove they can succeed no matter how difficult the task may seem.

  • Basics/Beginner – Designed for ages 7-10 to teach basic basketball fundamentals, including shooting, passing, dribbling with a dose of good sportsmanship. We explain a child’s role on a team and do it all without any pressure. We also play full court games but our coaches play in the game so the children learn by watching the coach rather than another child in the class. At the end of each lesson, you will be surprised by how much your child has leaned and how good they feel about their performance.The program is not about winning. When the kids ask “who won?’ our answer is, “if you had fun, you won.” Most importantly, our teachers have been trained to communicate kindly with the children, giving them the skills and the confidence.

Our message to the children is always filled with support and an expectation that he/she will accomplish the task. With many students, we find that our confidence in them will overcome their lack of confidence in themselves.


OLYMPIXTM (Ages 9-13)

Although these are competitive program, we don’t permit any cut-throat rivalry. All of our programs enforce the value of sportsmanship, individual excellence and teamwork.

  • Olympix, for boys and girls, 9-13, is an innovative concept in youth basketball. The first half of the twelve week semester provides instruction, skills and technique along with full court games. The second half focuses on a series of basketball contests and games based on the skills they learned, testing different aspects of the sport: dribbling, shooting, defense, and full-court games.
  • This wide variety of games levels the playing field for everyone. Smaller children can excel in shooting, dribbling and speed contests. Bigger players may do better in rebounding and low post skills. And, less aggressive children will find that most games are non-contact. No one sits out. Everyone participates in every event!

Powerball Advanced Training (Ages 12-15)

This is a unique program developed for players age 12-15, whose skill and expertise is beyond those in our level 3 Olympix, and perhaps want to try out for a school team in the future. This class is for the serious player who wants to excel in the game. We only take a select number of students in this class.

The Power Ball Advanced program provides intense training that focuses on two important criteria: First,  is the fine points of the full court game including setting picks, pick and roll, how to get free, set plays, zone defense and man to man defense, how to run a two on one fast break, boxing out and rebounding.  The second equally important aspect of the program is shooting. We work closely with the students to refine their shooting technique.

This program will make the student a better full court player.


Please note: Not all programs are at all locations.

  • P.S. 139: Rego Park 63rd Drive
  • P.S. 178: Jamaica Estates
  • P.S. 135 Queens Village
  • P.S. 384- Long Island City (Saturday only-Supertot & Pee Wee)

Classes are held Saturdays and Sundays. Also certain weeknights at 6:30 PM.
Each First Shot semester is 12 weeks beginning early October and February. You can register now to ensure a space for your child. Classes do fill quickly, so we encourage you to register early to get the location of your choice.

First Shot Powerball