Our Coaches

Our Coaches are our product; that’s why we’re so picky about whom we choose to teach your kids. We’ve got some pretty high standards that must be met before they become First Shot Coaches. We’re proud to introduce our Coaches who guide our classes and make learning lots of fun.

Head Coach Val

His winning smile and genuine enthusiasm has earned him lots of fans. He is a hands-on motivator and his passion is evident in his consistent performance. He brings a rich background in working with kids and understanding how best they learn. Val has been with First Shot for 12 years, working his special style of instruction.

Coach Salena

Joining the ranks of our female coaches almost three years ago, Salena is a bright spot in our weekend classes. She brings experience teaching sports to young children and has set physical therapy as her vocational goal. The combination of Salena, basketball and kids is magical. When you see her, you’ll notice she’s always smiling.

Coach Salena

Coach Natalia

Fairly new to the First Shot roster, Coach Natalia definitely has a way with our younger students. Supertots and Pee Wees are the leaders of her fan club…they’re eager to learn and play as she instructs.

Coach Marc

You will find him in lots of our classes, sharing his Basketball skills and contagious smile. When Coach Mark Is off the court, he is using his personality to see Real Estate. He sold us on his ability to teach and work with our students.

Coach Isaiah

No wonder our students literally hang on Coach Isaiah. His easy-going style, infectious smile and expert instruction have earned him a big fan base. He is an ideal example of how our Coaches contribute to making First Shot the leading program in Queens youth basketball.

Coach Ryan

Sharing his basketball knowledge and love of kids, you’ll see Coach Ryan on the court providing expert instruction and a genuine love for what he does. You might even see him in a local park helping a local teen perfect his jump shot. We’re delighted to have him as part of our staff.

Coach Tyrell

It’s all about teaching and kids for Coach Tyrell that’s why he is working toward his career as a Physical Education teacher. We are delighted to have him share his knowledge. He is a favorite among our students. Must be that great attitude and constant smile.

Coach Jon

It’s easy to recognize Coach Jon. Just look down and you’ll see him wearing one of his many pairs of show-stopping sneakers in assorted colors and styles. Besides leading the way in footwear fashion, Coach Jon has all the right moves, and he loves working with our students teaching the skills that help players learn and improve.